
Secure your systems with a pen test: discover weak spots before hackers do!

Hacking to protect? It may sound unusual, but it’s the best way to find system weaknesses before real hackers do.

This is done through a penetration test (pentest), where ethical hackers examine your IT systems for vulnerabilities. By identifying weaknesses, you can take timely action to strengthen your defenses.

What Is a Pentest?
A pentest simulates a hacker attack—with good intentions. Ethical hackers analyze your systems for weaknesses and document them in a detailed report. This gives you a clear understanding of where your security needs improvement.

Why Perform a Pentest?
Even if your network security is robust, there may be other vulnerabilities, such as devices connected to the network. A pentest maps out these weak points, helping you address them before hackers can exploit them.

Three Types of Pentests – Which Is Right for You?
The effectiveness of a penetration test depends on how much information testers are provided beforehand. There are three types of tests: black box, gray box, and white box testing—each with its own approach and purpose.

Black Box Pentest
The hacker has little to no information about your systems, mimicking how a real hacker would test your security.

Gray Box Pentest
The hacker is given limited information, such as login credentials, offering a more realistic view of your security.

White Box Pentest
The hacker is granted full access to your systems, enabling a thorough and detailed test.

A pentest often costs less than the (reputational) damage of a cyberattack and helps you avoid unnecessary expenses. Want to know how we can assist your organization with a pentest? Contact us or learn more on our Security Solutions page.

Posted by Stan van Bladeren

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