
Taking Exact Globe to the next level

Are you maximizing the automation of your financial administration?

In approximately 45 minutes, Vinçon Estourgie and Stefan Elias explain how ImageCapture can take your Globe administration to the next level.

On Thursday, May 16th, our partner Scan Sys is hosting the webinar: Taking it to the Next Level with Exact Globe.

During the webinar, you'll be guided through recent updates and the latest functionalities. What makes the Exact add-on ImageCapture so powerful?

What to expect:

  •    Tips to transform your financial administration
  •    From advanced automation to in-depth insights
  •    With Scan Sys's scanning and recognition, invoices are processed not only at the header level but also at the line level
  •    ImageCapture is capable of much more than just processing invoices

Discover in this webinar how far Scan Sys goes in combination with your Exact Globe administration!

Posted by Udo Trieu

Your reaction is welcome!

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